Saturday, May 16, 2020

Why Juvenile Choose a Gang Lifestyle - 1774 Words

Gangs have been in existence since the beginning of the Roman Empire. There were speeches made by Roman orator, Marcus Tullius Cicero, which references groups of men who constantly fought and disrupted Roman politics (Curry, 2013). The history of street gangs in the United States begins with their emergence on the East Coast around 1783, as the American Revolution ended. Though many believe the best available evidence suggests that the more serious street gangs likely did not emerge until the early part of the nineteenth century (Sante, 1991). Although our country has had their share of feared gangs like in the 1980’s with the turf war between the Bloods and Crips, back in the 17th and 18th century the Mohocks of Georgian, England†¦show more content†¦When most juveniles join gangs most outsiders perceive this to be because these youths are joining to get involved in delinquent activities. Sven Morch and Helle Andersen’s research on â€Å"Becoming a gang member: Youth Life and Gang youth†, state that gangs may be seen as social networks that give space and support for the person, but unfortunately are also contexts for common activities that are often directed against the outside world. (Morch, 2012) Although many people may perceive this as being negative, most who join find the experience as a positive event. One author found out through interviews with gang members that they joined for peer group attraction, an escape from abusive or non-existent families, the possibility of economic gain, and the sense of being marginalized ethically and/or economically from the larger society. (Beare, 2013) What makes the bond so strong with the gang is their culture is imparted from one generation to the next through a process called socialization. The act of joining a gang has always been surrounded by secrecy and ritualistic initiations. One of the first things that occur for a newbie is that they go through an initiation process to join a gang. The culture of the gang is often a culture of violence. It is a culture of physical assaults, guns, knives, bats, and anything that one can use to protect him- or herself or gain advantage over another person or situation.Show MoreRelatedJuvenile Delinquents Vs. Gran Torino, And A Better Life One1467 Words   |  6 Pages Juvenile delinquents have been around for a long time, however it has not been until recently that society has cast light on this very serious issue. Nonetheless, there is still much that is unknown about juvenile delinquents which is why it is so easy for bystanders to label them as gangsters and criminals and forget about them. In reality, there are multiple factors that come in to play that when determining how juvenile delinquents got to the point where they are now. 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